
José J. Huertas González
             Nace en Ponce, Puerto Rico, el 5 de Octubre de 1989. Como todo ser humano tiene sus gustos, sueños y metas en la vida pero hoy su enfoque hacia que ha sido su pasión y en lo que ha dirigido su carrera profesional: Arte. Desde pequeño ha sentido pasión y admiración por ellas. Varios han sido sus maestros en este campo desde que tiene memoria, sus consejos, enseñanzas le han sido de apoyo y lo encaminaron a todo lo que es hoy. A temprana edad cursó estudios de arte en: luz y sombra y acuarela. Completó varios cursos en la escula de Bellas Artes de Ponce. Culminó su bachillerato en Arte General en la Pontificia Universidad Católica con promedio de 3.55, Cum Laude, y un grado certificado en Diseño Gráfico en Columbia centro Universitario Recinto de Yauco.

            Sus metas a corto plazo están adquirir experiencia en el mundo laboral y en futuro poder lograr tener su propio negocio y ofrecer servicios combinando ambas ramas del arte.


            Born in Ponce, Puerto Rico, on October 5, 1989. Like every human being, he has his interests, dreams and goals in life but today he focuses on what has been his passion, and what he decided to direct his profesional career to: Art. Since he was a kid he has felt passion and admiration for it. many have been his teachers on this field, their advice and knowledge became a great support and guided him to what he is today. Early in life he studied courses in art: light and shadows and watercolors. He completed many courses in the school of Fine Arts in Ponce, PR. He has a bachelor's degree in General Arts from the Pontifical Catholic University with a 3.55 average, Cum Laude, and a certified grade in Graphic Design form Columbia University Center in Yauco, PR.

            His short-term goals are to gain experience in the workplace, and in a future to have his own business and offer services combining both branches of art.

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